Benefits of Moringa Tree

Vitamins and minerals
Moringa leaves contain phytochemicals in a high amount, making it a highly nutritious plant. It provides 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges, 25 times the iron content of spinach, and 17 times the amount of calcium that it contains. Moringa provides 9 times the protein content of milk, and 10 times the vitamin A in carrots. In addition to the potassium it provides, which is approximately 15 times that of bananas.
Moringa is a source of antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin A. They help reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. The vitamin C found in Moringa helps maintain the health of the immune system in the body, while vitamin A helps maintain the mucous membrane, which reduces infection in both the digestive and respiratory system. It is worth noting that Moringa can be used as a preservative.
Reducing cholesterol levels
Moringa leaf extract may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduce blood lipids, in addition to possessing antioxidant activity. It should be noted that there is a need to conduct more studies on the relationship of Moringa lowers cholesterol in the blood.
Enhance the production of breast milk
The consumption of Moringa leaves increases milk production after 4 to 5 days of use. On the other hand, some research indicates that there is no effect in increasing the production of breast milk. It’s not confirmed but it is very safe to use.
Reducing malnutrition in children
Adding moringa leaf powder to children’s food for a period of two months improves their nutrition. This plant is a good option to combat malnutrition. It contains a number of vitamins and minerals such as: B vitamins, calcium, iron, and potassium. In addition to its high content of amino acids, such as, methionine and cysteine. Moringa is classified as one of the best food sources because of its percentage of carbohydrates, fats, and phosphorous.
Reducing Vitamin A deficiency
It is possible for Moringa leaves to relieve vitamin A deficiency, because it is a good source of vitamin A, including its content of beta-carotene.
Reducing symptoms associated with menopause
Moringa extract may contribute to raising the proportion of antioxidants in women in menopause. This is because the proportion of antioxidants and enzymes at this stage is affected due to the low proportion of estrogen. They also found that taking 7 grams of the extract daily for 3 months increases the level of retinol by 8.8%. Significantly increased the level of antioxidants in their blood, and reduced oxidative stress by 16.3%, which positively reflected on health.
Reducing Arthritis
Moringa extract may reduce the risk and severity of arthritis. Ethanol extract may be used to relieve arthritis and relieve pain. Moringa leaf extract can also reduce pain, redness, and fluid retention in rheumatoid arthritis.
Reducing epileptic seizures
Moringa extract may be used to improve the condition of patients with epilepsy.
Heart disease
Moringa extract may help relieve dyslipidaemia, a condition that is characterized by high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides or both.
Reducing peptic ulcers in the stomach and intestines
The use of Moringa leaf extract significantly alleviated gastric ulcers that occur due to stress. And also duodenal ulcers caused by cysteamine. In addition to that moringa leaves may also reduce the risk of peptic ulcers.
Drug interactions with moringa
Moringa can interact with some medications, including the following:
Which is used for cases of hypothyroidism. Consumption of Moringa along with this drug may reduce the amount absorbed by the body. It can also reduce its effect, so be careful or consult a doctor before taking Moringa with this drug.
Drugs metabolized in the liver
Moringa may reduce the speed at which the liver converts some drugs. This may increase side effects, such as lovastatin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fexofenadine and others.
An overview of the Moringa herb
The Moringa plant belongs to the Moringaceae family. It has several names, such as,
- Milk
- Oil milk
- horse radish
The roots, leaves, fruits, and bark, as well as flowers and juice can be used. This plant is available in the form of tablets, and is characterized by its light flavor and similar to the flavor of tea. It can also be added to smoothies and juices without affecting its taste, and it can also be used to make tea.
Moringa supplements are available in the form of a light green powder. This supplement consists of both the moringa leaf and its seed pods.
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