
The pancreas is a pear-shaped organ 6-10 inches long, extending horizontally behind the stomach in the upper left part of the human abdomen. It is surrounded by the small intestine, spleen, and liver. The pancreas acts as a ductal gland that secretes digestive juices. It can also act as an endocrine gland that regulates the […]

For many years Indians have pampered their children with herbal oil massages. This is believed to lead to long, thick hair. This can be tracked to hindu myths. Ayurverdic practices are part of traditional indian hair care. If you use these remedies too your hair will be long, shiny and bouncy. Understanding Ayurveda To get […]

Yoga is a sport of the body and mind. It extends to ancient historical origins in the Indian philosophy. There are many styles of yoga that combine breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation, and physical movements together. Today, yoga has become very popular – it is a form of physical exercise that relies on specific physical positions, […]

Vitamins and minerals Moringa leaves contain phytochemicals in a high amount, making it a highly nutritious plant. It provides 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges, 25 times the iron content of spinach, and 17 times the amount of calcium that it contains. Moringa provides 9 times the protein content of milk, and 10 […]

When trying to find the right method to treat red eyes it will depend on what caused it in the first place. However, the redness is usually not caused by serious causes, and it can be removed by home remedies. Here are some home tips that can help relieve redness and feel comfortable. Warm compresses […]

Shea butter is a fat extracted from the shea tree found in West and East Africa. It is a white product that is located in the shea fruit. People from East and West Africa have been using it for thousands of years on the skin, hair, and cooking but commonly on the body. It is […]