How to Memorize Information Faster

How to Memorize Information Faster

Many people like to make the joke that the only thing people learn from school is to memorize. However, that’s not even the case. If you ask people how you can quickly memorize things they will all probably say repetition is the key. But, that’s the wrong advice. The best way to memorize thoroughly and quickly is to recall. Recalling something will require paying attention and learning and we all do that in different ways. So, how can you memorize something quickly?

In this article, you will be able to learn memory methods to help you remember faster so that you can start memorizing a lot of data in a short amount of time.

Before You Start, Know Your Learning Style


To enhance your memorization session, pay close attention to the environment you choose. For most people, this means choosing an area with few interruptions, though some people do flourish of learning in public areas. Find out what is most helpful to your learning so that you can get started.

Next, start drinking some tea. There is lots of scientific studies that confirm green tea as a natural substance for improving memory. Our ability to remember data depends on the strength between the neurons in our mind, which are connected by synapses. The more you use the synapse, the stronger it is, resulting in the ability to memorize.

As we get older and older, toxic chemicals damage our neurons and synapses, leading to memory loss and could even cause Alzheimer’s. Green tea holds compounds that stop this toxicity and keep your brain cells working properly and for a lot longer.

Record What You’re Memorizing

This is very useful, most especially if you’re trying to memorize things from a lecture. Use a tape recorder to record everything being spoken and listen to it. If you’re learning something more complicated, like a foreign language, it could be more useful to make notecards of the words you’re trying to learn by heart.

Write Everything Down

Before you start trying to remember everything, write and rewrite the info as many times as you need. This will help you become more acquainted with what you’re trying to memorize. Of course, we did say that repetition isn’t the best way to memorize something, but this can be amazing for visual learners as you’ll be able to see the information right in front of you.

Doing this while you’re listening to the recordings can also help you recollect a lot of the facts. This is most useful for experiential learners.

Section Your Notes

Now that you have everything written down in one set of notes, separate them into sections. This is perfect for visual learners, especially if you use color coding to differentiate between subjects. This will help break everything down and start compartmentalizing the information being recorded in your brain.

Use the Memory Palace Technique

A great way to “section off” data is through the memory fort technique. This is really good for visual learners, but it can also work as a sort of “experience” for experiential learners. Basically if you say the path out loud, it can work for auditory learners as well.

There are several steps to this technique, but it basically involves choosing a place you know well, identifying its distinctive features, and using those features to “store” bits of information you want to remember.

For example, if you’re trying to learn how to memorize lines, you can find a place in your memory palace for each line of text. Also if you’re reciting them when the time comes, you’ll simply have to walk through the room to pick up each line of text in the correct order. When the lot has its place, it’ll be in the making for you to recover it.

Teach It to Someone

Studies have shown that teaching information to someone is a guaranteed way to remember that information as it needs you to recover the information from your own memory. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can lecture it to someone sitting right in front of you (or the mirror, if you can’t convince anyone to sit through it).

My favourite technique for this is generating tests for other people. Take the info and forecast what questions will come out of them. Use multiple choice, matching, and so on to present the facts in test format and see how someone else will do.

Listen to the Recordings Continuously

While doing unconnected tasks like washing or driving, go over the info again by playing your recordings. This is certainly acoustic learning, but it will still complement everything you’ve thrust into your short-term memory.

Take a Break

Finally, take a break and let your mind breathe. Go for a short time without thinking about what you just learned and come back to it later on. Better yet, go outside and take a walk while you’re on your break. When you get back you’ll find out what you really know, and this will help you focus on the sections you might be weakest at.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re trying to memorize a speech, learn a new language, or cramming stuff for tomorrow’s exam, memory serves us in nearly every area of our lives. Once you learn how to memorize information faster and more efficiently, you’ll put yourself ahead of the pack of those who are still struggling to remember and recall necessary bits of information. Get started today!

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