Violence in Children

Violence between children is terrible and harms them and those around them. This causes parents to feel anxious when dealing with them. There are many forms of violence, including verbal and physical violence. In order to simplify dealing with these types of children, it is important to know how to treat them.
Causes of violence in children
Excessive pampering
A parent may exaggerate protection and provision of all the things the child is doing. The child then increases his aggression in the event that one of the things he wants are rejected. He then reacts to this rejection by screaming and acting up leading to violence.
Adult abuse
Children get violence when trying to get rid of adult abuse and pressure. In most cases adults prevent children from doing everything they want, which forms a violent reaction to these pressures.
Imitating adults
Children tend to imitate adults. If a child sees adults solving a problem by using violence they imitate them all the time. Especially if one gets their way by doing this. This negatively affects the child’s behaviour.
Seeking attention
Some violent children attempt to attract the attention of those in front of them – especially parents. Child exposure to violence triggers a violent reaction. Ignoring the child and suppressing his desires increases his aggression.
Treating violence in children
Logical punishment
You can do this by keeping the child away from the place where the violence was practiced. You make the child aware he can go back as long as he is ready to join others without causing them harm. Also avoid punishing the child with violence – it won’t help, but rather make it worse.
Be as calm as possible
Parents should avoid dealing with an aggressive child with screaming and violence. This is because it increases the child’s violence. Therefore, helping him discover new ways to vent his aggression, as he considers his parents an example.
Establish clear boundaries
A parent should set clear boundaries by expressing any reaction that the child feels that he has done something wrong. You shouldn’t wait for him to repeat his action. The child can also be punished by limiting his movements a little bit when necessary.
Be consistent in punishment
You should be consistent by giving the same reaction every time the child shows his aggression. Do this until he understands that every time he will repeat his behaviour, he will face the same punishment – until he abstains from his actions and stops repeating them.
Finding alternatives
Finding alternatives is by waiting until the child calms down, then talking to him about the reason for his actions. The parent should show him they’re many other ways he can control himself, express his disapproval which are way better than aggression and violence. Encourage him/her to practice it every time he is mad or annoyed.
The child should get used to apologizing every time he shows an inappropriate behaviour or hurts those around him. Teach him to utter expressions of apology for those he has hurt.
Reward and boost the positive
The child should be rewarded every time he behaves well, not focusing on his negative side. You should neglect this phase, showing no importance to it and trying to strengthen the positive side.
Monitor TV
Parents should set limits for the TV programs that their child watches. Most especially if they encourage violence. The amount of hours the child watches television must be reduced as well. Try to watch your child while he watches TV and get his point of view about what he is watching.
Monitor his behaviour
Preferably parents should monitor the situations in which their child is aggressive. In that case, also trying to find out the reasons that led him to violence and solutions to reduce/stop them.
Doctor consultation
Sometimes the matter requires a doctor or a psychological counsellor to treat the excessive aggressiveness of some children. Some of them need psychological treatment.
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