A coat of mascara can make your lashes look bambi-like but isn’t there just something special about naturally long eyelashes? Lashes start drying and snapping off as you age. So basically, encouraging length keeps your lashes healthy and strong. I mean who doesn’t want that? Below is some ways dermatology approved to grow them. Eyelash […]
Life Hacks
Coffee Coffee is a hot drink that is often prepared early in the morning, as it is characterized by its strong, pungent smell and its delicious taste. It is usually served alongside many snacks and foods. Perhaps the most important thing that distinguishes it is its different types, including Arabic coffee, African coffee, Turkish coffee, […]
Cappuccino Cappuccino is another innovation of the Italians, and another drink for coffee lovers. It consists mainly of coffee, with the addition of milk or some other ingredients, and is decorated with cream, foam, chocolate, coffee powder, or cinnamon powder. According to the Italian recipe, the cappuccino is based on the principle of one-third. That […]
Have you or your child just got braces recently? You will need this article to prepare for the milestone. They are on their way to getting gorgeous and healthier teeth. However, they should follow the guidelines in order to care for their teeth and braces. The first few days after your child gets braces the […]
Narrowing of the arteries This can be defined as arteries/blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to other parts of the body. They may accumulate fat and cholesterol in the arteries as a result of the accumulation of plaque term atherosclerosis. It should be noted that the accumulation of plaques obstructs the […]
You have probably been running at a steady speed for a while now but want to build strength to run faster without being tired. If you push yourself a little harder and stay motivated you will discover how fast you can go. Below are some tips you can use to increase your speed. Pick up […]