Importance of Healthy Food

Importance of Healthy Food

Healthy food is defined as a variety of foods that provide the body with the nutrients necessary to maintain its health and provide it with energy. It also generates elements such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Eating a healthy diet can help in preventing malnutrition and other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. In fact, healthy eating practices begin early in a person’s life.

General Health

A healthy diet is of great importance for all parts of the body. It supports the performance of the body and protects cells from environmental damage. Protein in your diet is able to rebuild affected tissues enhancing the immune system. Carbohydrates and fats provide the necessary energy the body needs. Vitamins and minerals are involved in various body processes. For example, vitamin C, Vitamin A and vitamin E act as antioxidants against some toxins. As for the vitamin B family, it helps the body extract energy from food. Then phosphorus and calcium maintain the strength and health of bones. Lastly sodium and potassium help the body transmit nerve signals.

Disease prevention

A healthy and balanced diet helps prevent so many diseases. These are not limited to obesity and related diseases. However, it should be noted that a severe increase or decrease in one of the foods could result in a couple of health problems. For example the possibility of osteoporosis increases. In cases where the food does not contain enough calcium. Also the low intake of fruits and vegetables is related with the risk of getting cancer.

Set the weight

Weight loss doesn’t mean reducing the amount of calories you eat every day. Instead, it is advised to follow a healthy and balanced diet while also refraining from diets rich in calories. Diets such as fast food, processed foods, and sugar-rich drinks. Also ensure you consume foods and drinks with a low caloric content and high nutritional content.

Healthy food ingredients

A healthy diet includes all foods and beverages with the appropriate calories, some are listed below;

Include vegetables

This includes dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, starchy vegetables, legumes etc.

Whole grains

Provided that at least half of it is whole grains. It should contains low-fat or no dairy products.

Variety of protein products

These include seafood, lean meats, poultry, eggs, legumes and nuts.

Abstaining or reducing some harmful food

  • The consumption of added sugars should not exceed 10% of the total daily calories.
  • Consumption of saturated fats should not exceed 10% of total daily calories.
  • Sodium consumption should not be more than 2,300 mg / day.

Steps to follow healthy eating habits

Everyone has eating habits that were ingrained from childhood; some are good, others are bad, such as skipping breakfast. You should note that the sudden change of such habits is certainly difficult. However, can be overcome by making an organized plan, and here is some advice for that.

Writing a list of the person’s dietary habits. By writing down everything that is eaten, and the way in which the food is eaten, over a period of several days.

Identify inappropriate food habits, which usually lead to overeating, such as:

  • Eating too quickly
  • Excessive eating sweets
  • Eating despite not feeling hungry
  • Remembering when and how some bad eating habits arose
  • Eating in a standing position
  • Skipping some meals such as breakfast
  • Determine the food habits that the person practices frequently.
  • Abandoning unhealthy habits and trying to follow healthy habits
  • Continuing to promote new healthy habits

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