Life Hacks

Headaches very from one case to another one. This depends on the pain severity, how often it occurs and where. Research shows that they’re 150 types of headaches. They are divided into two main categories. Primary headache Secondary headache Primary headache In cases where the headache itself is the main problem and not caused by […]

The art of putting different colors of nail polish on your nails is very important to women, and it has been around since ancient times. It is one of the easiest ways to add some color to their nails. The modern use of nail polish comes from the invention of the industrial revolution. They’re so […]

Collagen is a protein found in diverse parts of the body. It is responsible for skin elasticity and healthy joints. It is found mostly in the skin, blood, muscles, bones, teeth, nails, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. As we age, our existing collagen breaks down and it gets harder to produce more. The production of natural […]

Sometimes when we use foundation cream on our skin, we see that no change has occurred to it. Rather we see it looking dull, and with an uncomfortable greasy texture. This is usually due to the use of the wrong type of foundation. Basically you are using foundation that isn’t suitable for your skin. Foundation […]

Eczema medical treatments The eczema treatment choice that would be most appropriate depends on several factors. These include the patient’s medical history, age and other symptoms. Some may need to use several treatments to get the best results. So basically the treatment is given according to the symptoms. The treatments help with; Controlling itching Reducing […]

Bad breath is a common problem that affects people of different ages. One person out of four suffer from bad breath. Main reasons for bad breath Increase of bacteria in the mouth Eating foods with strong odours such as onions and garlic Smoking and drinking alcohol. Tooth decay Kidney and liver diseases Cold and influenza […]