Caring for Dyed Hair
Hair dye can give you a beautiful appearance, I mean who wouldn’t want to switch it up once in a while and go blonde. Guess who looks brand new? You! However, dying your hair can expose the hair to several problems because dye contains chemicals that lead to damage and dehydration. Don’t worry though, there are many things you can do to take care of your dyed hair – maintaining its health and vitality. Read on, to find out how you will care for your hair. Below are the steps you can take to ensure you have healthy hair.
- Use a hair conditioner specially made for dyed hair.
- Avoid washing hair more than 2-3 times a week.
- Wash your hair with a sulphate-free shampoo for dyed hair.
- Take hair vitamins such as vitamin C and biotin.
- Wash hair with cold water, and avoid washing it with hot water.
- Allow hair to dry naturally without using a hair dryer.
- Avoid sleeping when your hair is wet.
- Protecting the hair from influencing external factors, such as the sun’s rays by wearing a hat or scarf.
- Cover the hair with a swimming cap before going swimming.
- Trim the ends of the hair every 2 weeks.
- Take a break from chemical hair dyes. Do not dye the hair continuously.
- Choosing hair products and creams for dyed hair.
- Limit the use of electric hairdressing tools.
- Eat foods that contain nutrients, such as fatty fish.
- Gently dry the hair.
- Gently comb the hair.
- Use good quality hair dyes.
Home remedies for dyed hair
There are many home remedies you can use to care for your dyed hair, including;
Olive oil and rosemary oil recipe
This recipe treats hair damage and stimulates new hair growth. Heat the olive oil until it becomes warm, and put it in another bowl with the addition of the rosemary oil. Apply the mixture of oils to the hair, then put on a shower cap and leave for 20 minutes. Wash hair with water and shampoo.
Avocado, olive oil and banana recipe.
This recipe is a natural conditioner for dyed hair, as it moisturizes and treats damaged hair.
Take half an avocado, a tablespoon of olive oil and a banana. Mash the avocado and the banana well in a bowl, and add the olive oil to it. Mix the ingredients well to get a mixture. Go ahead and apply the mixture to the hair from the roots to the ends, then leave it for 60 minutes. Wash hair with cold water and sulphate-free shampoo. Repeat this recipe once a week.
Honey, avocado and eggs recipe
This recipe softens dyed hair. Mix the ingredients well to get a mixture. The mixture is placed on the hair and left for 30 minutes, then washed. Repeat this recipe once a week.
Mayonnaise and eggs recipe
This recipe nourishes dyed hair, gives it softness, and treats its damage.
Mix the ingredients well in a bowl, to get a smooth mixture. Apply the mixture to the hair, concentrating on its ends, then leave it for 45 minutes. Wash hair with cold water and sulphate-free shampoo. Repeat this recipe once a week.
Oils recipe (olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil)
This recipe nourishes dyed hair, moisturizes it, and protects it from damage. Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil. Warm the desired oil for several seconds, then massage it into the scalp and the ends of the hair, then leave it for 30-45 minutes. Wash hair with cold water and sulphate-free shampoo. Repeat this recipe two to three times a week.
Mayonnaise recipe
This recipe treats hair damage, and restores it. Apply mayonnaise all over the hair, then leave it for 5 minutes. Wash the hair well with water and shampoo. Repeat this recipe weekly.
Honey and olive oil recipe
This recipe treats hair damage. Mix the ingredients well; to get a mixture. Apply the mixture all over the hair, wrap it in a towel, and leave it for about 30 minutes to an hour. Wash hair with warm water and shampoo.
Egg, honey and coconut oil recipe
This recipe moisturizes dyed hair. Mix the ingredients well; to get a mixture. Put the mixture on the hair, then leave it for 30 minutes, or until it dries. Wash hair well.
Yogurt, almond oil and eggs recipe
This recipe helps to strengthen hair, and care for dyed hair. Whisk two eggs and add the yogurt and almond oil. Mix the ingredients well for a creamy mixture. Put the mixture on the hair completely, then leave it for 30 minutes, and wash the hair.
Apple cider vinegar recipe
Apple cider vinegar helps moisturize hair and treat most dyed hair problems. Mix vinegar with water, and rinse hair with it directly. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash hair as usual.
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